Happy New Year
Well, the rush and stress of Christmas passed and left our household with a quiet almost odd lack of Christmas-ness. I am usually THE Christmas person, I start singing Christmas songs around September, the house is decorated and the tree is up by December the 1st and I do everything I can to get my hubby in the Christmas mood (not an easy task!). Something was lacking this year though and by Boxing Day I had deflated like a huge balloon. What went wrong? I have no idea really, I think I just peaked too early this year. It's only January 3rd and our decorations are already down, I left the tree up though, and one string of fairy lights.
Anyhoo, what has kept me going in this post-Christmas downer? Yes, knitting of course.
I have knitted like mad, as if my fingers were about to fall off. Boxing day I started knitting the teddy bear from the Debbie Bliss 'Simply Baby' book. This is going to be a present for the baby bump due at the end of February. I finished it on New Years day, sewed him up and named him teddy (very imaginative I know!). He's now sat on my shelf and waiting to be taken to my sisters.

I then later that day finished by Colinette scarf which has been one of those ongoing projects that I never got around to finishing. It was a made up scarf project which I needed to do because I fell in love with the yarn. Here is the embarassing admission though - I can't even remember what yarn it is made from - my memory is awful at the best of times let alone when it's trying to remember what yarn I bought over a year ago. So apologies for that.

Then that evening I decided to start my hubby's cardigan. This is the cardigan that was supposed to be knitted for his Christmas present so I am only a little late aren't I?
In two days I have almost finished the back which has made me very proud yet also slightly annoyed. If I hadn't spent so much of the last two days surfing the net for cheap New Years sale yarn then I would have finished it a lot sooner. Well, today I am going to brave on with the left front so will keep you posted.
The cardigan is from Rowan magazine 36, Design no' 17: Finn by Kim Hargreaves (my fave designer!) It's knit with Rowan scottish tweed aran in a gorgeous blue shade which the hubby picked out himself. I am still unsure whether the blue will go with his gorgeous ginger hair but it's the colour he wanted so I will reserve judgement until it's finished. Will post pictures soon I promise, I just need to get off my bum and plug the camera in to the apple upstairs because I have no image software on my ibook so until then, you'll have to just imagine it!
Anyhoo, what has kept me going in this post-Christmas downer? Yes, knitting of course.
I have knitted like mad, as if my fingers were about to fall off. Boxing day I started knitting the teddy bear from the Debbie Bliss 'Simply Baby' book. This is going to be a present for the baby bump due at the end of February. I finished it on New Years day, sewed him up and named him teddy (very imaginative I know!). He's now sat on my shelf and waiting to be taken to my sisters.
I then later that day finished by Colinette scarf which has been one of those ongoing projects that I never got around to finishing. It was a made up scarf project which I needed to do because I fell in love with the yarn. Here is the embarassing admission though - I can't even remember what yarn it is made from - my memory is awful at the best of times let alone when it's trying to remember what yarn I bought over a year ago. So apologies for that.
Then that evening I decided to start my hubby's cardigan. This is the cardigan that was supposed to be knitted for his Christmas present so I am only a little late aren't I?
In two days I have almost finished the back which has made me very proud yet also slightly annoyed. If I hadn't spent so much of the last two days surfing the net for cheap New Years sale yarn then I would have finished it a lot sooner. Well, today I am going to brave on with the left front so will keep you posted.
The cardigan is from Rowan magazine 36, Design no' 17: Finn by Kim Hargreaves (my fave designer!) It's knit with Rowan scottish tweed aran in a gorgeous blue shade which the hubby picked out himself. I am still unsure whether the blue will go with his gorgeous ginger hair but it's the colour he wanted so I will reserve judgement until it's finished. Will post pictures soon I promise, I just need to get off my bum and plug the camera in to the apple upstairs because I have no image software on my ibook so until then, you'll have to just imagine it!
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